Monday, July 20, 2015

Home Remedies for Ringworm. You Won’t Have to Freak Out Anymore

If you’re looking for effective home remedies for ringworm, you came to the right place. We will talk about natural options on how to get rid of this skin illness and other related stuff.

First and foremost, ringworm is a type of fungal condition in the skin. It primarily affects skin, nails, and scalp. It’s very noticeable as it comes out in a ring shaped red rash. This can happen to children and adults.
Home Remedies for Ringworm
Fortunately, you have lots of options on how to treat this skin infection. While anti-fungal cream or ointment works, why not rely on some natural remedies for ringworm on face, scalp, and other parts of skin?
1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the super foods on the planet because of its antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. This is the only reason why it’s a good treatment against many types of skin diseases, including ringworm.
Simply peel a few cloves, crush or slice into pieces, and place on the affected area. Cover it with band aid and let it sit overnight. You should do this every day until the infection has healed.
2. Tea Tree Oil
There’s no question regarding the effectiveness of tea tree oil in skin. This has been a favorite and popular ingredient for several cosmetics and beauty products because of its properties that help maintain the texture of skin and optimize its health. That’s also the reason that makes it among the remedies for ringworm on arm, legs, face, and everywhere. It has compounds that treat infections.
Tea Tree Oil
What you need to do is pour drops of this oil on the affected area. Make sure your skin is clean first before putting oil. Do this at least twice or thrice a day until the fungi is gone.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
This also has anti-fungal properties, which implies ringworm can get treated from it. The smell may be nasty to you but it’s very effective to treat this kind of skin problem.
Grab a cotton ball, drop vinegar in it, and apply all over the affected area. You can rinse with warm water after several hours and do it again for quicker result.
4. Vinegar and Salt
Both of these are amazing home remedies for ringworm. It can be a bit painful, especially to children, but reliable in curing the infection. You apply this to affected areas same as how you’d do with apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil.
5. Turmeric Powder
This spice is also one of the best remedies for ringworm on face, scalp, and other parts of skin. You have two options on how to apply this to the affected skin. First is to pour some powder on the skin and cover with band aid for hours. The other option is to drop some in a teaspoon of water and apply all over the skin.

6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is also one of the home remedies for ringworm. This is also a common ingredient in many skin products. That’s because it protects skin from sun burn and infection.
While aloe vera gel is easy to find over the counters, the raw juice of this plant is much better to apply on affected skin. That’s why growing aloe vera plant should be among your new hobby because this can become handy a lot of times.
7. Papaya
In Asia, papaya is a great ingredient in many cosmetics and skin care products. It’s famous to whiten skin, which is why many Asian women rely on papaya soap and lotion. Aside from its antioxidant, this has anti-inflammation that helps reduce scars and cure burns. This makes it a great home remedy against ringworm.
To add to your home remedies for ringworm, slice small pieces of papaya and blend to make paste. Apply to the affected area and leave it for hours.
8. Coconut Oil
If you prefer oil, coconut oil is among the home remedies for ringworm that you can count on. It has certain properties that kill fungi. This has better smell compared to vinegar so if you have sensitive smell, this should be a better alternative.
9. Lavender Oil
Another great choice of oil for ringworm is lavender oil. In fact, this has better smell than coconut oil, and it’s popularly known for its fantastic scent. But what’s important is that it’s able to kill germs, viruses, and fungi.
Lavender Oil
10. Grapefruit Seed Oil
You can also rely on this solution as one of the effective home remedies for ringworm. It is rich in antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agents.
11. Lemongrass Tea
A more unique way of treating ringworm is by placing a tea bag of lemongrass on the skin. This may not be ideal for the face, but for arms and legs this should work. It’s definitely among the trusted home remedies for ringworm. So as you sip your lemongrass tea, spare the bag before you throw in the bin and place it on your skin.
Lemongrass Tea
12. Myrrh
One last option against ringworm is myrrh. Whether in ointment or cream, applying myrrh to the affected skin helps treat your skin problem.
Many over the counter products and prescribed medications work to treat the same issue, but why spend extra money if you can shell out fewer amounts in natural remedies?
You see you have many home remedies for ringworm. These options won’t only help you get cured from this skin condition but also save you some money.

How to Improve Immune System? The Answer is Totally Shocking - See

If you are wondering how to improve immune system, you are more than welcome to read all this information. If you have been ill lately, this is also an essential article for you.

Weak immune system can only mean one thing. That is the body is more prone to diseases and infections. You’ll likely suffer from cold, flu, and other basic health problems. But the worst thing that can happen is that you are more susceptible to severe conditions, such as kidney diseases, heart disease, and cancer.
How to Improve Immune System
The immune system is very important because it helps ward off viruses, bacteria, and other offenders that can cause infections and diseases to develop. If this is weak, the lower chance for it to become functional in preventing conditions.
Keep in mind that there are microorganisms everywhere. Some are good, while others aren’t that infect your body to become sickly and ill. So this brings us to find some answers regarding how to boost immune system naturally. Below are easy, cheap, and home remedies to boost your immunity.
1. Eat Lots of Healthy Foods
It’s no brainer to suggest eating vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, other nutritious foods. These are the best sources of different vitamins and minerals that help improve the immunity. This kind of advice is heard and read anywhere. It’s up to us to follow it or not, but sadly a lot don’t care about its goodness. Remember that every food that you take should have health benefits and lessen your intake of others that are not nutritious.
2. Add More Garlic to Dishes
Your diet should include foods that contain garlic in them. This particular ingredient is a very excellent immune booster. It’s also packed with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial compounds. It’s due to these agents that make it a great solution on how to improve immune system.
3. Consume Sweet Potatoes
Believe it or not, this root vegetable is a good enhancer of the immune system. It is also packed of beneficial compounds, such as vitamin A and potassium. This can be fried, chopped into cubes that are added into a variety of dishes and soups. You can even make chips for a healthy snack.
4. Consider Mushrooms
Any edible types of mushrooms are also immune system enhancer. You can make foods that include this ingredient. Perhaps, add more than its original serving in order to improve your system.
5. Take Yogurt and Probiotics
Yogurt, fermented food, and other probiotic products contain good or healthy bacteria. Consuming any of these is another option regarding how to improve immune system in adults as well as teens and children. Besides, these are delicious snacks or desserts you can consider.
6. Drink Herbal Teas
Teas are normally made from herbs, which are natural ingredients that provide essential nutrients. Other than that, these ingredients contain agents that help strengthen a person’s immune system. In short, remember this also as an effective and effortless way on how to improve immune system.
Drink Herbal Teas
7. Keep Echinacea Tincture at Home
Echinacea is a specific name of herb. This is available in capsules as food supplements and bottles as extract or tincture. If liquid, it is easier to incorporate in certain foods and drinks. If possible make it regular because it is powerful to protect your body against bacterial diseases and viral infections.
8. Have Enough Sleep
Getting 8 hours of sleep or more is another solution concerning how to boost immune system naturally. The lack of enough rest can make you stress which can greatly affect the level of your immunity. And this is the best way to recharge your energy for better, quicker, and smarter mind.
9. Manage Stress
Find some time just relaxing and de-stressing too. These are additional help to keep your immune system strong.
Manage Stress
10. Get Some Sunshine
The sun is a natural source of vitamin D, which is another important nutrient your body needs. If you have sufficient vitamin D, it helps prevent certain illnesses. It may not be a direct way on how to improve immune system but still help protect you from getting sick.
11. Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
These are common habits that are abused. If you are a frequent drinker, it’s best to lessen your intake. If possible, just stop drinking and be sober all the time. Likewise, smoking is not good for your health. This is another culprit or cause of many diseases, which include cancer in the mouth, esophagus, liver, and colon.
12. Drink Lemon Water
Water drinking is advisable because it helps get rid of toxins and other harmful chemicals in the body. If the body is cleansed, the better chance for the immune system to remain strong. If you add some lemon juice to your water, the lower risk for your immunity to become weak. Plus, this fruit contains anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties.
13. Exercise
Other than proper nutrition, your daily life must involve some exercise and physical activities. This idea is not only a concern on how to improve immune system but also keep your bones strong, stimulate muscles, provide you more energy, and other health benefits.
14. Take Good Oral Care and Proper Hygiene
Make sure that you always brush your teeth (at least twice a day), floss once daily, mouth rinse, and shower. Some bacteria, germs and viruses are easily transferred onto skin and mouth. If your body is infected with many offenders, the less chance for your immunity to become function in defending them.
Do you agree that each of these suggestions on how to improve immune system is beneficial? Yes, of course they are! So better start practicing these tips and live a much healthier life.

Peels Of Citrus Fruits – Do Not Waste, They Are Useful

In a dimension between the past and the memory of the dear grandma’s remedies and a new concept directed to the future, to environmental sustainability and full awareness of the world around us, there have been many discoveries of reuse of natural ingredients, otherwise destined to the dustbin, as valuable allies for cleaning the house and beauty care. And ‘the case of the peels of citrus fruits, oranges, mandarins, lemons, as we will see later, can be used for various houseworks and for the care of your body.
Peels Of Citrus Fruits
Some examples of home use
1- Clean the coffeepot: Coffeepot clean as new, due to the simultaneous action of lemon peel, water and salt. To remove any remaining dirt just leave this particular solution in your coffeepot for a few hours.
2- Eliminate the limestone from the kettle: To thoroughly clean the kettle and clean him from limestone, just boil water with lemon peel and within the white vinegar (a glass). After an hour, in which the compound will have acted, must simply wash and boil a common water and your kettle will be ready for reuse.
3- Polishing stove and cutlery: Again lemon peel are a great ally in the kitchen. In this case, to shine the cutlery and stoves just rub the peel directly on the object to be polished and make sure to dry it with a microfiber cloth.
Here, instead, uses for body and face
1- Delicate scrub: To remove dead cells from the skin of the face and body and not pay for expensive creams, you dry the skins of tangerine and mince them roughly. When they are processed into granules will be combined with sugar, oatmeal and yogurt, then apply on the affected parts.
2- Face mask for oily skin: The mandarin is still the protagonist due to its astringent properties useful for those with oily skin. Just blend the peel of oranges and tangerines, and join them in half egg white to create a cream to apply to the face. Only 10 minutes to see your skin clean and purified.
3- Cleanse your face: And due to pectin, element contained in the skins of citrus fruits, that this fruits are true allies for facial cleansing. To create a cleansing homemade, just boil the peels of citrus fruits until they are completely dissolved, after they have cooled, apply it to the skin with a cotton pad. Easy and convenient!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Home Remedies For Acne


 Cinnamon and honey mask

 Even though it sounds too sticky for your skin, considering the honey’s texture, this combination is actually very good for skin that battles acne. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties and it prevents bacteria  from spreading all over your face. On the other hand, honey is a natural anti-biotic and it also helps your skin wipe out acne. just mix
 1 tablespoon of honey 

 2 teaspoons of cinnamon 

 leave it on your face for 15 minutes.

Fudgesicles Made from Avocados

Fudgesicles Made From Avocados
Have you ever found yourself thinking, I wish I had a healthier option when it comes to snacking. Well now we have the answer. Fudgesicles made from avocados. They are gluten-free, vegan, and dairy free. All it takes is a few ingredients and a small amount of time.  The best thing is that they are frozen so they will always be readily available. So here is your go-to when you need a cool snack to cool off on a hot summer day.
2 avocados
1  cup of almond milk or milk substitute
1  tsp vanilla extract
1  pinch of salt
1/3 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
3-5 tsp of raw honey or other natural sweetener
Feel free to alter measurements based on your preferences.
Cut the avocados in half and remove the pit. Using a spoon scrape out the avocado into the blender. Then add the rest of the ingredients into the blender and then liquify until super smooth and creamy.
A food processor could be used as well. Then place the mixture into a tray of your choice. Its recommended to use a BPA free popsicle tray or a steel tray. Then position your popsicle sticks or sticks of choice where you would want to hold the popsicle and freeze at least 2 hours. When frozen unmold by pouring water on the outside of tray and remove.  Now, you can finally enjoy a guilt-free fudge popsicle!!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

See That How Can You Get Strong Bone Naturally!

Osteoporosis and increased fracture risk are common concerns among a greying population of baby-boomers. Aging women are especially vulnerable to the effects of diminishing bone density. While drugs have been developed to help treat or prevent osteoporosis, financial considerations or potential side-effects may limit their use. Additionally, many people prefer to pursue natural alternatives when possible, to prevent or treat health problems. For an at-risk population, dietary modifications and exercise can work to complement a prescription approach, or may serve as a natural alternative to help strengthen bones.
Food Choices
Calcium and vitamin D are priority nutrients for building and maintaining bone strength. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends low-fat dairy products as a reliable source of calcium. Additional vitamins and minerals necessary for good bone development can be assured by including an abundant variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet. A study published in January 2000 in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found a strong correlation between elevated bone mass and diets high in fruits and vegetables.
Nutritional Supplements
People with allergies or intolerance to dairy products who rely solely on nondairy food sources may find it difficult to consistently consume the 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium per day as recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Overweight people, those with inflammatory bowel diseases or those who spend little time in the sun may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Nutritional supplements may be necessary for some people to maintain adequate levels of these important nutrients. The recommended vitamin D intake for people older than age 50 is 800 to 1,000 IU per day.
Weight-Bearing Exercises
Hands may form callouses in response to repetitive friction and pressure on the skin. Increased bone mass is a similar response to stress on the skeletal system. For an exercise to yield stronger bones, it must produce enough stress on the bones to force an adaptive response. The best exercises to induce this type of stress on bones are high-impact, weight-bearing exercises. The National Osteoporosis Foundation suggests dancing, hiking, jogging, jumping rope, stair climbing or tennis. People with severe osteoporosis and extreme fracture risk may need to choose weight-bearing exercises that are somewhat less jarring, such as walking or low-impact aerobics.
Lean Body Mass
Having larger, stronger muscles may mean stronger bones as well. Research published in March 2010 in “Biomed Central Musculoskeletal Disorders” showed that increased body weight, or mass, was associated with having increased bone mass. The effect was more pronounce when muscle, rather than fat, contributed to a greater extent to overall body mass. Since muscle mass tends to diminish in post menopausal women, striving to maintain or increase muscle mass is especially important to bone health in this population. In their book “Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning,” Thomas Baechle and Roger Earle recommend weight training exercises such as squats and bench presses. Selecting a weight that can be lifted 6 to 12 times and performing 3 to 5 sets with short rest intervals is recommended for building muscle mass.

7 Amazing Benefits of Guava Leaves for Skin and Hair

Guavas are tropical fruits that offer an abundance of health benefits. They are high in vitamins A and C, potassium, healthy fiber and lycopene.
What most people do not know is that the fruit is not the only part of the plant that is good for you. Guava leaves are amazing for your skin, hair and health in general. In this article we give you 17 amazing health benefits provided by guava leaves.
7 Amazing Benefits of Guava Leaves for Skin and Hair
Guava leaf tea stops carbohydrates from turning into sugar and thus suppresses appetite. This will also help you keep fit.
Diabetics should drink guava leaf tea regularly as it reduces blood sugar level and does not stimulate insulin secretion.
Guava leaf tea also decreases bad LDL cholesterol without affecting good HDL cholesterol levels.
This tea provides strong antimicrobial properties which makes it effective in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.
Guava leaf tea is also great for upset stomach and provides a great help in cases of food poisoning.
Treat bronchitis and coughs with guava leaf tea.
Chew guava leaves to relieve toothache, inflamed gums and sores in the oral cavity.